“Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out further to, say, 2045, and we will have multiplied the intelligence – the human biological machine intelligence of our civilization – a billion-fold.”
-- Ray Kurzweil, American inventor and futurist.
Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. Most AI examples that you hear about today – from chess-playing computers to self-driving cars – rely heavily on deep learning and natural language processing. Using these technologies, computers can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data.
The term Artificial Intelligence was coined in 1956, During those days it was considered as a mediocre technology which later turned out to be field to surge, scientists and researchers have developed a number of new techniques and methods. The popularity and usefulness of the technology has been in the highest rise for a couple of years now. It will become in the near future, a revolution with many new AI technology arising due to the developments of algorithms and data in the current 21st Century.
Some interesting and insightful facts to surely know about:-
-> January 2018, Google CEO Sundar Pichai claimed that artificial intelligence (AI) will be more transformative to humanity than electricity.
-> "From 2015 to 2018, active AI startups increased 2.1x, while all active startups increased 1.3x. For the most part, growth in all active startups has remained relatively steady, while the number of AI startups has seen exponential growth.’’ - AI Index
-> Between 2013 and 2017, venture capital funding towards AI increased 4.5 times, and venture capital in total increased by 2.08 times! AI will become a top five investment priority for more than 30 percent of CIOs.
-> Microsoft is infusing AI into everything they deliver across computing platforms and experiences. According to Salesforce, 51% of small business owners think that AI is important when it comes to investing in new technologies.
-> Top scientists and technologists like Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and Elon Musk believe that AI is a very dangerous threat to humanity.
-> One of the first AI programs was created in 1965 by Carl Djerassi. It was named DENDRAL and it automatically discovered unknown forms of medications.
-> Still there are a number of facts and observations that have been and will be made of this Artificial Intelligence, its a never ending phenomenon.
The power and productivity of Arificial Intelligence has greatly suprised us, especially me. The things that were once considered ficitional, unrealistic and impossible have been made reality. The technological revolution of this century will be greatly dependant on AI and its sub branches machine learning & deep learning algorithms, name it so on. We have so many relatable technology that depends & complments on AI. This has made it compatible for every domain and industry.
The usuage of Artificial Intelligence has tripled over the past few years, with the job market of AI also reaching hew heights than ever before.
Earth is the home to abundant wealth of natural and living organisms, which have been compromised by humans. This irresponsible human factor has led to so many disasters world-wide, be it climate, habitats, oceans, etc, you name it. So why is this related to AI, well the importance of technologies are to use them to solve problems mainly real life ones. A successful technology becomes number one, only if it is used to create an impactful change in the soceity and the world. Truly to that, people and organisations have tried and leveraged the best use of a powerful technology like AI to solve many real-life problems the world faces today. AI can become the rose on the mountain by making these things happen in saving the humanity and the earth for a greater cause.
As a famous person once stated, "Technology is a product of knowledge out of Earth; though must be used to make the same a better place". While AI has become the talk of the town, the partner fields of tech like Data Science, Big Data, Cloud, etc, have complemented to the greater success of the highly demanding products and services out there. The new inventions, humaniods, robots, automations, and more upcoming innovations are much dependant on the development of AI for growth and sustainability of the planet. There are a many downsides of Artificial Intelligence and as many great people have predicted, it can go absolutely wrong for humans too. It is up to us make any technology better with careful thoughts towards the future, as humans we have the freedom to create and destroy. As a saying goes,"It can take years to mold a dream. It takes only a fraction of a second for it to be shattered."
Experts believe that AI will take over 16% of current jobs within the next 10 years, but worry not, a new era of job opportunities will arise. AI has become the trend for the top internet companies and every industry out there. The best five countries for an AI job are considered to be in China, USA, Japan, UK, and India. So there is a lot of scope in this field. This is the best time to get your hands dirty in learning and researching about Artificial Intelligence. Escpecially if your are in India, There are number of ways you can make a significant change to the society and country by providing AI services, features and products that will change industries like Agriculture, IT, Manufacaturing, etc and even the Government which are moving into stable and efficient ways of modern technology.
Arificial Intelligence has created a mega impact everywhere, and over the years it will grow better, powerful and more efficient. As a whole, the earth requires a better change and hopefully AI can be used to deliver the atmost risk free way towards the future cause and survive the tracks of time to fulfil many awesome purposes. In conclusion, I strongly beleive that Arificial Intelligence will provide a drastic positive footprint on the earth and its people, but though again, it all depends on the way we people use AI, be it negative or postive... "A Beautiful wooden chair can be crafted even out of the most unsignificant tree or viceversa!!".